Is this normal??

Hey friends, My LO will be 3 weeks on Tuesday. I am breastfeeding. She was doing good, eating about an hour, sleeping for 2-3 hours, eating, sleeping 2-3 hours.. repeat. Now, she’s wanting to eat over an hour and only sleep 30-45 minutes and eat again. I understand babies can be clingy.. but i have also noticed a change in her dirty diapers. Everytime we change her diaper it’s always dirty, not just pee. Any time she passes gas poop comes out with it. I think this is also causing her bottom to be irritated because she passes gas quite frequently and if we changed her diaper every time gas was passed we would be going through several boxes of diapers a day.... could her tummy be upset? Is it something I’m doing wrong/ need to do different??
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Unsure about the feeding. Try putting a layer of aquafor on her clean skin at each diaper change. It will create a barrier to keep her little bottom from getting irritated.

Probs just a growth spurt. Normal for the poos to really pick up during this age too. I feel like I changed 8 poo diapers a day around that age, sometimes more.

Mine is 4 weeks and we have a similar diaper situation. The aquaphor is a good suggestion above. As for the feeding, we had a couple days of that at about 3 weeks, its a typical growth spurt time so its very normal.

Totally normal. My bf baby started starting and pooing really watery poo, pretty much liquid, and I thought the same but my health visitor and said normal. After a couple of weeks they became more like mustard but much more gloopy then my mix fed baby. They do cluster up a storm too, even my mix fed baby did especially in the evening. They have little growth spurts. If you Google i think there's a growth spurt app which tells you around which times they hit.

Oh and metanium is fantastic for sore bottoms. I also found some wipe brands and nappies, especially pampers, really irritated both my babies when pooing a lot and when they have/had teethy poos. Good luck, it's very tiring so eat drink loads of water and enjoy as much resting with your baby as you can.

My son would nurse every 45 minutes to 2 hours during his cluster feeding but he wouldn't use a pacifier so I think some of the time he was just sucking, even though milk would come out still. The more they drink the more they poop. It's super normal. Also I found that aquaphor ointment and a zinc oxide cream when mixed helped my baby a whole lot and he got pretty bad rashes that would just pop up after one poop and look awful. Also, he's got a big butt and a larger scrotum so when it was time to go up a size in diapers I noticed the rash would get worse and cream wouldn't help due to chaffing. Try to pointmen cream combo and if that doesn't help then maybe try to go up a size. If she's got a big butt, it could be that. I noticed those rashes started like right outside his rectum and looked raw. I hope this helps

Sounds like cluster feeding! It lasts a few days and then goes back to normal. It’s the baby’s way of increasing your milk production!

This is my life!! I’m relieved to know someone else understands! X

If the feeding is happening every hour or so its cluster feeding. If she's pooping more and it's irritating her skin use Vaseline everywhere the diaper touches her skin instead of diaper rash cream. The cluster feeding will slow down eventually my now 7 month old went through that after a month old or so too. But when babies pass Gass its mostly poops and and as long as she's peeing it proves she's well hydrated. Shouldn't worry.

It’s exhausting but normal. I use waterwipes & they are the only ones that don’t seem to be irritating. And when they are looking a little red I have a calendula diaper balm that I use. It will slow down.... eventually

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