Community Posts, Tips & Support on Fertility Treatments

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Fertility Treatments.

Canna IVF

Has anyone done IVF while still smoking the flower or the pens? I smoked on the pen for the last 3 weeks and I’m starting IVF soon…. Any difficulties? Any advice?


Progesterone injection tips

Hi! Had my embryo transfer today, my progesterone was low at 43 when they want 50 😭 so I have to take the injections now but am so nervous because I’ve heard they hurt the worst. Any tips before I do my first tonight?


Depo injection

Anyone have experience of pregnancy soon after depo contraception injection wore off? How long it took etc? Thanks in advance ☺️


Bourn Hall Fertility Clinic

Has anyone used this service before? I am looking to get fertility testing and wondered if they are a good place to start? Or has hertility been helpful for anyone? X


IVF advice ❤️

I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility in my late 20s and went on to have two children through IVF, with both transfers working the first time. They are 21mo apart, I had them at 30 and 31yrs old. We have now been trying for a third. I experienced my first failed transfer in May and just did my second transfe...


PGT testing came back with all 5 embryos as abnormal

Absolute devastation is an understatement. Would anyone know why this would be? Could it be lifestyle related? Diet? How can I prevent it from happening again? Will it happen again? I’m only 28 years old so I didn’t think this would happen. This was also my first retrieval as well. And just a side note when we were...


IV or heplock

Anyone planning to go IV and heplock free for comfort? My midwife said I could and said if emergency arises that they can get a shot of medication and figure it out but as a low risk pregnancy I really want to avoid it so I can be more comfortable and move freely . I have bad tint veins that roll and it’s always suc...


Anyone on paragard IUD?

If yes, how did your period change from before?


Unsuccessful IUI

Hi. I'm curious to know the reasons for IUI to fail. I have an appointment with the doctor IF the next one fails. And I'm curious to hear what she will say. We've had dominant follicles, plenty of sperm, and good timing. So I don't understand what is going wrong?


Best week of IVF to have time off work

I’m thinking of taking some time off work during August as have enough to use. For those who’ve been through IVF process before, would you take off time during Stims or time after egg collection/during transfer? Hoping to do a fresh transfer


Non-Hormonal IUD

Does anyone have the copper non-hormonal IUD? What are your thoughts/ experiences?


Is this my peak?! Mosie baby

We’re trying to conceive our second baby before going through another IVF cycle. We’re trying mosey baby for the first time this month is this my peak?


Fertility Treatment Scotland

Myself and my partner have just been referred for fertility treatment, we live in Scotland, can anyone tell me abit more about the process and timescales etc.


Depo shot ended today

When will my fertility come back after the depo shot has ended? I am trying for my last baby.


Herts & Essex fertility centre

Has anyone had any experience with Herts and Essex fertility centre? Please share your opinions :) xx


PIO Injections!

Hey! I’m about to be 8 weeks tomorrow, this is an IVF pregnancy so I am on medication up until 12 weeks. Having to do PIO shots every 3 days. Has anyone got any tips for administering these? My hubby is doing it at the moment and he’s doing a great job, however each injection now seems to be getting more and more pa...


Fertility specialist

Can anybody recommend or have any first hand experiences with any private fertility specialists in our local area?


Is ivf for us?

We have a healthy 3 year old son who we fell pregnant with really quickly and had an uncomplicated pregnancy with. Skip to TTC number 2 and we have had 4 miscarriages (1 MMC at 10 weeks resulting in D&C, 2 chemicals and 1 early resulting in D&C) in the last year. the pregnancy tissue from the last D&C has been sent...



Has anyone been given the injection that helps to bring the placenta? If yes, are there any side effects? I’m currently 37 weeks could give birth anytime now, did my birth plan with my midwife and was told about the injection.


Secondary infertility

So had all the test, ultrasound and bloods. Nothing found on either, so been told to just keep trying. Worried about secondary infertility now, does that mean there is no chance/hope? Anyone have any advice of where to go from here?


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