@Megan the roam freely part isn’t happening, she’s not very well and it so upset unless she’s asleep wrapped in a blanket. Hopefully once I get home from work later we can do it with her in bed. They think she may be diabetic :((
Pediatric urine collection bag. You can get it on Amazon, but might get lucky in a pharmacy... You kind of stick it on privates, our girl had that when they wanted sample in a hospital She didn't even flinch when it was put on/taken off, guess the adhesive is very gentle
Have you got a potty? If so put her on the potty as soon as she wake, after she’s had milk, before she goes bed just for a couple minutes at a time and you should get a little wee at some point The squatting position of a potty encourages them to wee without even realising it
Someone said to me before put a cotton wool ball in the nappy and then you can squeeze it out xx
Thanks guys, I’ll look into the bag or getting a potty - hoping they might try at the app in a mo I’ve made sure she’s drank a lot to hopefully make it easier
Take nappy off and wipe her lower belly with a wet wipe! & put a tub or something underneath her to catch if she wees :)
@Robyn oh I’m sorry to hear she’s so poorly! We had to get a urine sample too and that’s how we did it. Wishing you all the best x
If the doctor has requested it you should be able to get one of those bags from them. They gave me one when I thought my daughter had a water infection x
I work in a&e and we usually put a cotton ball or swab in the nappy then squeeze it out. Hope she’s okay xx
Your GP should have nappy inlays. I've been given those
Thank you everyone, great ideas!!! E we had a failed attempt yesterday so will try again once her dad is home as she’s super clingy - even having to do nappy changes whilst cuddling :((
I put my baby on his changing mat nappy free for a bit it has dips in the side that catches wee ect... and then poured it into the bottle. The cotton ball thing is genius those, need to remember that!
Take nappy off and allow to roam freely whilst holding a Tupperware and watching like a hawk. My baby wees like 4 times an hour. Dive on said baby when weeing and catch a bit. Doesn’t need to be much!