Shit! Any tips on food refusal? I’m not handing it very well 🥺
Baby girl has always had a good palette and we eat really well, I cook from scratch everyday! Lots of fruit, veg, lentils, beans, pasta, potato, cheese, egg, fish, rice…but the last couple of weeks she’s been getting so upset as soon as I try to put her in the high chair, like full on meltdown. We’ve resorted to books/toys to distract her - even the tv on the odd occasion which has worked whilst I feed her..but now she just doesn’t seem to want to eat…today I gave in and made her toast and banana after she refused her lunch and she ate it 😩 she can’t live on that though 👹☠️💀🥺
Anyone else’s toddler going through food refusal? Any tips on how to handle this stage? I feel like a shit mum for showing I’m frustrated sometimes, and then worry she’s not going to be getting enough fruit/veg etc.
Im not enjoying this stage at all, feel so stressed and overwhelmed by it 😢
..she is cutting her fangs at the moment and I know she goes a bit off her food when she’s teething, but I feel this is worse than ever! 💔
My boy literally just had a week of eating pretty much nothing. Was so worried. Today he’s eaten a big bowl of cheerios, a biscuit, 10oz of milk and all his lunch so hopefully back on the food now 🤞🏻 If she’s hungry she’ll eat that’s what I kept telling myself. Just annoying throwing so much food away.