Does this make any sense

My mom says she dosent believe I went through any postpartum depression with my first son because I was wearing makeup & wigs … does that make any sense at all ?
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Hun, you know that doesn’t make sense. I’m sorry she’s not being supportive and calling you dishonest… that disgusting

@Katrina I was thinking that she’s litterally been nothing but rude to me my whole pregnancy

Introduce her to Robin Williams or Chester Bennington. They were always happy looking. Depression looks different for different people. Some people can also mask their symptoms really well.

I think it is just another generation where depression was seem as a person who can not function in any way and now mental health is something very talked about and we know depression doesn’t always seems like that you can function and go on on life but being miserable inside

I told her some ppl might try to do things that might make them feel better like art and crafts or designing and etc but All she does is criticize me about makeup and wigs even tho I haven’t worn a wig since last June

@Karla that part 💯💯💯💯👌🏾

Don’t listen to her we all go through postpartum differently I was a wreck with my last baby but with my other son my post partum was different and it can last for years

My youngest will be 3 this summer and I'm still struggling this time around! No specific reason for my depression either.... life is actually much better now than it was the last couple of babies (no post partum with the first 3) I guess what I'm trying to say is that you need to ignore her misunderstanding and rudeness! Take care of yourself❤️

@Tashina I’ve been trying to stay happy but she finds every reason to put me down I just don’t understand

@Michelle I’m honestly trying but she so snappy and rude to me and starts random arguments

@Rianna cut her off

When i mentioned have ppd i was told "well you're not crying all the time" i was just like "oh ok" 🤔 When people hear the word depression they automatically think of someone in bed all day crying but when you're a parent you can't and have to pretend it's all fine and it sucks

@Karla that’s how I felt especially when I gained weight I felt hideous and would try to wear nice things because of my insecurity having my first son

@Maleni that’s exactly what she said smh I was like not everybody just gone stay in a dark room all day and cry because some ppl try to have coping skills or try to do something to stop them from feeling so bad

@Rianna exactly

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