@Gabrielle yes x
Congrats!! I know this isn’t exactly helping since I’m not dropping any names but hopefully this will make you a little less stressed about it.. my husband and I couldn’t agree on a name for pretty much the entire pregnancy. I wanted Cruz, he wanted Maxwell and I just couldn’t bare the thought of my baby boy having the same name as a coffee brand or share the same name with countless dogs (although I adore dogs 😂) so I held out… he was ‘baby boy …. Last name’ for about 2 months after birth. Although I got some strange looks at a few drs appointments and it became a bit of a running joke at our hospital stay (we were there about 2-3 weeks) I’m so glad I held out. He’s a Cruzzie .. even if his middle name is Maxwell as a compromise , I’m so happy I didn’t cave or settle for something that we both didn’t love. We both love it now and we’re both happy we didn’t settle (come to find out my husband did love the name; it was his side of the family who didn’t love it and I’m ok with that🥰).
Luke, Lucy, Lorelai, Leia, Lucas, Lawrence, Lana, Lara.
Luca and Lottie Louis and Lydia Lachlan and Lilibet Landon and Lennox Lawrence and Lucy Lowell and Liora Leopold and Liliana Lionel and Lorna Lennon and Lois Lawson and Leonie Linden and Lark Ledger and Lainey Leonard and Louisa Larkin and Laurel Logan and Lavender Lucian and Leona Luan and Laiken Lincoln and Lilac Lockett and Lyric Loxley and Layla Landry and Lacey Leander and Luella Lex and Libby Lucas and Livia Leo and Lola Lyle and Lily Loki and Luna Levi and Leia Leon and Lila Ludo and Lula Laszlo and Lyra Leif and Lake Liam and Lexi 💞
@KayleighLillian & Luca xx
So nice you’re husband is on board for a 3rd child already. That’s great Lawson and Lucille Lilah and Lucas
Lilly and Leo
Layla and lyle
Layla, Liam, Liana, Lilliana
Louis and Lily
Lachlan and Lainey
Why don’t you name one with an L and one with a K x
@Emma yeah that’s quite sweet I just really like l names as well x
Lorena / Lena and Lorenzo Leira and Liam / Levi Lia/ Lea and Landon/ Leandro Loretta and Logan / Laurent Lyska and Luka Leica and Loic Leila and Lex Leslie - unisex
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
Lainey and Logan
Luciana and luca
I Love Luna & Luca Lexi & Leo 🥰
Lawrence and Lara
Leland and Lillian
Lenny & Lexi Landon & Lucy Luka & Lottie Lincoln & Lola
Do you want both kids to have an L