Membrane sweep

Had a membrane sweep a few hours ago and i’ve got a bit of blood in my pants (as expected). One thing I was not prepared for was the insane hormone change i’ve had. I couldn’t stop crying for around 20 mins but then laughing hysterically, I felt like I was losing the plot 🤣 Anyone else who’s had a sweep just felt so emotional after?
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Haven’t experienced this having a sweep but I had to have some biopsies taken which involved having my cervix clamped open, after I got dressed I was completely hysterical for about 15 minutes for absolutely no reason and nothing I did could calm me down! The nurses said it’s something to do your cervix and a sudden rush of hormones being released, completely normal but I still felt like I’d lost the plot for a while!

I felt like bursting into tears after mine! 🙈

@Jade That makes sense!! Honestly I got home and just sobbed uncontrollably but then was laughing in between then crying again, i felt so strange!!

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