I have the spectra s2 love it but hate that I can’t move around with it other than that it’s great if you have time to sit ! My favorite of all is my pumpables genie advanced it empties me fast like my spectra and it can record a pumping session and you can hack it to use different collection cups so I use my spectra cups and flanges with it and I use my lansinoh collection cups when I wanna hide them in my bra but having the right size flange is so important I got way more milk out once I got the proper size !
I have a baby Buddha pump. Best pump I have! Portable and efficient. Look at some tik tok video reviews and see if it catches your eye.
I’m on my 2nd pumping journey. I’ve owned way too many pumps 😂 and I’m currently pumping while typing. Get nipple sizer so you can buy the right flanges or inserts to start off with. Spectra is great. Like top 3 for me. Baby Buddha is my winner this time around. It fits in my hand. I can use regular flanges/bottles or I can use hands free collection cups. Medela hand pump is a must have. I have 3. One in each car and one in my diaper bag! You want whatever pump you use to get you as empty as possible.