Potty training

Help!! I have been trying to potty train my 2 year old and it has not been going well. We previously tried to potty train her about 6 months ago but decided maybe she wasn’t ready yet. We have now been trying the “3 day” method of letting her be naked and sit on the potty every 20 mins. We have now been doing this for about a week and a half and she has only gone in the potty about 3 times. She is now refusing to sit on the potty and I am over it. 🙃. I am ready to be able to get out of the house and do things. What worked for you guys to potty train? Should I just get pull ups? I’ve tried bribing with treats and toys and nothing seems to work. Help this tired and house cooped mama out 😬🙃🥲
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Following because in similar situation with autistic 2 yr old

I’ve been following a much more baby led approach since about 12 months so very different situation. I read that kids naturally pee soon after they wake up so I started by putting him on the potty right after he woke up. It took some trial and error but maybe trying to catch that first morning pee might help her learn without much more stress? Three day method didn’t work here either so I’m still waiting to get rid of the diapers but he does like his stickers for when he does go.

Do you have a floor potty ? Or the one that goes on the actual toilet?

I also do stickers. I printed a potty reward chart. Let him pick his stickers and put it on. I also do this for good behavior

I have both kind of potty’s, a floor and one that goes on the big toilet. I’ll have to try some stickers

She might just need a few more months. With my older kids I always let them go at their own pace and waited until they showed me they were ready, and they were both potty trained around 2.5. It’ll happen, don’t worry!

I am in the middle of potty training my son. A mom I met suggested he listen to some potty songs from what's called "potty Time" it's a women who sings and signs fun songs about going potty on the toilet, having accidents and learning to use underwear. It's helped motivated my son more and understand more. They are very catchy songs. If she likes music it could possibly help motivate her.

@Ulia oh great advice, I’ll have to look them up!

I would say back off, breathe, and use some pullups. Make sitting on the potty part of routines like changing in/out of pajamas, and washing up for meals. Ignore the rest of the time and she might start going on her own or just calming down about it. Have you figured out any idea of when she pees? Like my son, I know won't pee when he first wakes up, so there's really no point to put him on the potty then. I know about an hour after drinking he will need to go, so we focus on those times. We used to potty him every 20mins, but we backed off alot and we do every hour now. He fussed about sitting for a while, turns out, he didn't have to go and was fussing that we were making him stop and sit.

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