Child safety

Yall pls help a girl out 😂 don’t mind my mess, I wfh so my house is a legit daycare and I got 4 hoodlums running around ANYWHO I need recommendations for sliding doors like this to keep them locked and I also need recommendations for safety measure to cover outlets that have things plugged into them so she can’t pull them out. This kid is a menace. I bragged too much about her being such a good baby 😂 helppp 😬
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Also if you just search on Amazon for baby proofing there are lots of great options for things you may not even realize you need to baby proof until you see it.

@Brandy girl ima need everything 😂 I didn’t have to safety proof w my oldest cause she wasn’t into everything but I saw those first ones and I wasn’t sure how those would work for the sliding doors. Would I put one on both sides?

I bought this from Walmart and they sell outlet locks for used outlets let me see if I can find them

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