Sticky eyes

Anyone else’s baby suffering from gunky eyes? My little girls are so bad, we’re currently on our third lot of antibiotic eye drops and I just feel so miserable like there’s no end in sight. Her eyes completely clear up with the eye drops (or they did the first two times…) and I get to see my beautiful baby for a little while, but then within a few days it comes back. I’m massaging her tear ducts, I’ve tried breastmilk in the eye, nothing seems to be working. Doctor has told us to wash everything on hot wash, hand hygiene (hard with her older sister…) etc, we’re trying so hard but it’s just not shifting 😭 picture of when it was at it’s worst, it is better in one eye now but the other is still bad. Breaking my heart and I hate using so many antibiotics when she’s so little!!!
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Cooled boiled water and salt.

@Ruth ah thanks lovely yes we’ve been doing this too!! Xx

My little one had really sticky eyes when she was born. We bought a huge bottle of saline solution and cotton pads, and just constantly wiped from inside corner to outside, like every hour on the hour to get rid of alllllll the gunk, like every single bit, dont leave any in there. Always sanitized our hands before touching the cotton pads, and used a new cotton pad every time one had touched her eye. X

Ask for the ointment. Its a pain in be ass to get in but the gp told us it was the better one and use cotton balls with boiled water to wipe the eyes in between.

This would scare me shitless! Kudos to your strength and patience mama

Cleaning with breast milk every two hours did the trick. It seems to worsen with a stuffy nose. The doctor who saw us the first time recommended using breast milk instead of saline spray to clear his nose too. This definitely works for us. Also, I was warned that this will come back with every cold or flu until they grow out of it.

I just kept wiping my little ones away with cooled boiled water - cleared up in 2 weeks. Did it every-time I changed nappy - Keep going mama xx

My little boy had this a few years ago when he was born, the doctor advised cooled boiled water and it did eventually go away, I think it took 3/4 weeks x

My boy is 11 weeks, his was as bad as your girl when he was born and it's kind of been on and off since but never as bad as it was at the start. He hates when I wipe his eyes but just got to stick at it. I think it gets worse when he's a bit run down eg with a cold

We used breast milk on my baby boy. Had to wipe his eyes a lot through the day but it cleared up after a couple of weeks

Thanks all… if it’s still bad after this lot of antibiotics I will try just cleaning every hour instead, not sure I want a 4th lot of medicine her poor eyes 😭😭😭

Cotton wool and cooled boiled water worked for my little boy. It’s so hard but it will clear up xx

I found breast milk only made it worse for my little boy x

With the drops, putting them in my daughter’s eyes while she was asleep too seemed to really work wonders in speeding up the process of getting it clear up.

Hi my baby 2 months now , she had 3 weeks ago. My family doctor gave her Special intraocular ointment and I used for few days and it’s gone. You have to talk with doctor

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Breastmilk! If you're able to

Try using the drops 2-3 days after it’s cleared so. You know it’s gone

Poor thing :( We used cooled boiled water with a cotton pad for each individual eye starting from the inside out. And we still do the same now for bath times (just not cooled boiled water) we just use the bath water to clean her eyes first, then head, and the rest of her body after so that her face is cleaned with clean water (sorry if this is standard practice for everyone) x

My baby has this use your breast milk it helps alot

Also make sure when bathing not to let bath water go in eyes. Use separate clean water to wash eyes.

Breast milk

Cooled boiled water did the trick for me. The warmth helped to open the tear ducts

We do massages 3x per day to help open up clogged tear duct… not sure if that’s what’s going on with you LO but it looks similar to my baby boy. Dr. Told us they do surgery at 6 month if it continues that long.

My girl had the exact problem. Went to children’s hospital because eye drops, rubbing her eyes.. nothing worked. We had to get surgery on both her eyes. Called tear duct surgery because they were clogged. Operation Only took 30 minutes and she was done. It’s been about a year since then and never had the problem again. Best of luck 🤞

I’m so sorry you’ve had this problem. My daughter had the same thing for weeks and I tried all the same advice you mentioned but nothing worked. I took her to the chiropractor (because she had problems turning her head) and a side effect of her treatment was that her sticky eye went away after one session! Might be worth a try if it feels like something you’re comfortable with. The adjustments are gentle on babies, no cracking or sudden movements like with adults! Hope you get it sorted.

Chiropractor can most likely help. Needs help draining!!

Time. Thats all I can say really. My lil guy had the same thing and we tried things but eventually with time it went away !

Are you bfeeding? My midwife advised putting a bit of milk in them x

My baby had the same issue and it cleared up on its own around the 5 month mark. Our pediatrician said it would clear up so we just cleaned her eyes with a warm wet wash cloth every time she woke up until one day she just didn’t need it again. Good luck!

Chamomile tea (warm) using cotton pad clean eyes ))

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wipe from inside the corner by nose to the outside of eye. and massage the corners of eyes and top of nose. this will help break down all the gunk built up. no need for meds. my son had this and it went away in like a week.

wipe with a warm wash cloth!!^🫶🏽

Has the dr taken swabs and tested to see what it is? Xx

Oh wow my sons had it in one eye it’s horrible but it’s nice to know it’s not just me

Cooled boiled water on cotton pad ,

@Sally we had a swab done that grew Staph, that was before the first lot of abx. I asked for another swab this week before starting these new antibiotics but no results yet, it was sent Monday. X

@Sara same!! Massage massage massage. I didn’t realize how common this was either. Had me freaked out for a couple of weeks

Looks like when my baby had pink eye. We had to do the antibiotic eye ointment. That was the only thing that worked

We had this issue with my son. A warm compress left for a minute every day and time. It went away after a few weeks.

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