Milk drying up

I caught food poisoning and couldn’t keep anything down for over 12 hours, today I finally managed to eat and drink normally all our previous feeds were fine but not anymore. I tried to pump and I couldn’t even get 100ml out 😭 I’ve always had an oversupply I just feel like I’ve failed. What can I do? Will my supply return? I’m absolutely devastated
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Pumping isn’t always accurate to your output.

I had a horrible kidney infection and didn’t eat for a week and was still able to breastfeed my daughter and my production never went down.

Also that short of a time is likely not going to effect your breast milk production. Since you can go 12 hrs without eating or drinking at night.

@Caitlin my little one was getting frustrated on the boob, I can always feel how full I am but that’s not the case anymore

Hi Liana, it should come back up! Keep yourself hydrated.

@Liana squishy boobs doesn’t me production went down. Your breasts aren’t tanks that store milk it’s more like a river. There could be many reasons he’s frustrated. Just keep feeding him and staying hydrated. 12hrs isn’t enough time to make a big hit to your production like that.

@Caitlin thank you so much

@Marsha thank you I’m finally able to keep food and water down so I’m doing so

Stress can delay or prevent a proper letdown which may be why you pumped less. Pumping is not indicative of your milk supply! It may have dipped slightly due to loss of fluids/dehydration but it’s extremely rare to dry up in one day. Hydrate with electrolyte drinks and eat high protein high fat foods, and latch/pump as much as you can. Don’t worry it should come right back up to where it was in a few days 🤍

@Casey thank you 🫶🏼 I thought that was the case especially as he was feeding fine during the day just very stressful x

@Liana stressful for sure!! If he’s feeding fine and you haven’t noticed any major decrease in the amount of wet diapers he’s having, then he’s getting enough and you’re doing great 🤍 hope you’re on the mend soon

Omg I feel this! At 9 weeks I got a horrible throat infection and could t eat or drink for a week and felt so bad that my mum had to come help me look after baby and I had no energy to even pump. My supply dropped so bad from 7 oz combined to 2oz… I tried everything to get it back up and just couldn’t 💔 I hope you find a way and able to continue breast feeding because I’m still broken 9 weeks later 😂

@Becky it’s horrible isn’t it! I never knew I’d feel this way 🥲 I know I’ve managed 10 months of EBF but it’s definitely not a nice feeling that it may be coming to an end. Fingers crossed I’m able to get it back up as I’ve always had an oversupply x

Just keep pumping and latching as often as you can !! And if you supplement informal keep up with pumping and latching ! You got this momma!

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