Wake up/bed time

To all the BF mamas out there, at what time do you aim to put your baby to sleep, and at what time is your wake-up time? I'm still trying to figure out the best schedule for now and the future, and I'm not sure what might work best! Any tips?
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This is my second baby, and with both I've never really had a schedule. I just follow their sleep cues and it works really well. Babies this young dont really know enough to follow a schedule and just will sleep when they are tired and wake up when they are hungry or uncomfortable. It's easier to start implementing a sort of schedule around 4 months, especially around the regression they go through. Routines are great for any age, like specific actions you take to indicate bed time. For example, being in a certain room and putting on pajamas and a swaddle vs just napping wherever or use the same routine to help with naps. But in general trying to keep a baby awake at certain times to try and get them to sleep at other times on schedule can actually make their sleep worse because they become overtired. But if you track their sleep over a few days it can help create a sort of routine knowing a general timeline of when they are tired and going to fall asleep soon you can begin whatever bed time routine.

We dont really have a schedule either. We tried the 8am/12/4/8pm schedule but then shed sleep till 2 or 3am then feed at 7am then wed be off an hour. So we feed 'on demand' but we try to push it to every 3/3.5 hr. Lately we feed either 1) 8pm/9pm area. Or 2) at 7pm and again 930 to push it closer to the evening. Then she is usually asleep by 10pm. And we let her sleep as long as she wants usually its been 2-4am thats the one long stretch then shell wake up again between 630-8am depending.

I put my 2 month old down for bed around 10-10:30pm and he’s now sleeping through the night so he will wake up at 7-8am and will take short naps throughout the day

No schedule for us either. I cosleep and do breastsleeping, so he just sleeps until he’s had enough sleep 🤷‍♀️ sometimes that means he’s up at 4:30am

We start bath time around 8:30, feed one more time before putting her to bed and she usually wakes up around 1:45-2:30 for her second feed, the again around 4:30-5 and again around 7:30-8 then she’ll nap again from around 9:30-10:30

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