Cleaning up

Does your 2 year old clean up their own toys? How did you start that process? Whenever I try to clean them up he drags everything back out, and I've yet to be successful at getting him to help me clean up. What do I do to start getting him to clean things up?
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I was very adamant from the beginning on keeping a tiny home and my son has picked up on that but still he's only two and has his crazy playing moments so I got him into playing with 1-3 things at a time (ex. legos, cars, blocks) he can't take out something new without putting one away. Then when it's time to completely clean up I let him know hey it's time for snack we can't eat til all our toys are put up I can help if you ask but you gotta do it yourself. He's also in daycare and they do the similar practice

We sing and do It’s easier to get my 2yr old to clean up than my 4yr old We clean before we eat before we leave and before we sleep and I think that routine has embedded in her brain Sometimes she’ll clean everything by herself unprompted… and it pisses her brother off 🤣 because he’s not done playing

Yes but we don’t put a ton of pressure and thats the trick. We started very young doing the clean up song every night before we go up to bed and at a year (maybe earlier) we asked her to help mom and dad clean up. Started out if she put one toy away- was a big deal lots of praise and clapping. Then it became a habit every night now at 2, she knows the deal. Does she clean up all her toys by herself? No does she help way more than she did a year ago and doesn’t really fuss? Yes! It’s a slow build for us and she doesn’t fight it. It’s a part of living in our house as a family so I think it’s about keeping expectations low, making it fun, and high praise. Over time they will be a lot of help and responsible kiddos

Also should note if she cleans 3 things up and I do the rest it’s a help lol I hate doing it myself so anything is nice

My daughter honestly just started it on her own for the most part! I think because when she was real little, she would put her toys in the box and take them back out, over and over! Now if I ASK her to help clean up she will but I’ve noticed if I tell her she’s a bit more reluctant!

Yes and to be honest she started doing it on her own I think she’s just been watching me do it

Hello, my son doesn't always clean up his toys but I taught him hand over hand with cleaning up his toys and now I tell him I will help him clean up his toys. So I will start picking them up and putting them away and he will follow.

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