
Hey girls, I'm currently 28+5 and in seeing loads of you guys have got measured at midwife appointments and seeing loads about percentiles. I've had none of this so far 😳 is this normal or am I being paranoid and anxious about nothing? 🤣
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Honestly don’t listen to a word Midwives say about measurements boo, they measure your belly regardless of where babies laying inside and tell you they are too small or too big. Have the time it’s bs… I got told with my daughter that she was 4 weeks bigger than she should be and came out tiny. Listen if you have a scan and they are concerned but Midwives’s measurements are impossible

@Chloe Ive had no growth scans or anything and I went private for 4D and got told nothing about if she was a good size or not, just that she was breech 🤣

I got told our girl was in the 25th percentile at the 20 week scan, then when the Midwives measured my bump at 24 weeks it's was slightly larger than normal (26cm instead of 24cm or something like that). I agree that it's not something to worry about unless it massively off on a scan. I don't have any more scans though now unless something looks off to the Midwives, but I'm sure my baby girl is doing fine in there 🥰

They measure your uterus and it ‘should’ measure the same as the amount of weeks you are. 3cm either side they are fine with. If they are concerned they send you for a growth scan where they measure baby and predict weight etc. I’m measuring 3 weeks ahead and have a growth scan next week but it could also be down to the amount of amniotic fluid there is if measuring bigger they only start at my community midwives to measure from 25 weeks

I've not had any measurements spoken to me about either. Ive looked at my notes from my 20 week scan, but not had my tummy measured at any midwife appointments or anything. Currently 27+2 and have my next appointment in 2 weeks so will see if they do any then as some have said from 28 weeks they do

@Chloe what I’m saying is don’t even worry about it? If no one said anything at your 20 week scan and no one says anything at the 36 one I wouldn’t even bat an eyelid because honestly it’s mostly bs

@Rhiannan I had 25 week appointment before I left for my babymoon and there was no mention of measuring me. I'm going on Friday morning to get bloods done so I wonder if they will then...

@Chloe you usually get it done from your 28 appointment or at least mine does anyway so I’d imagine you’ll get it on Friday when you go

Just got back from my midwife appointment. 28+4 today. They measured me. Midwife showed that I’m measuring 29 weeks instead. So she referred me for a growth scan and said I’ll hear about my appointment in a day or 2. She also mentioned how the midwife measurement is not accurate cos it takes into account everything. Stomach/amniotic fluid/whatnot. And that’s why she referred me to the growth scan

Thank you girls 🩷

@Chloe did they listen to heartbeat at that appointment too? It seems midwives do things differently depending on where you live 😫

My midwife won’t even measure my bump as it’s never accurate I have growth scans every 2 weeks so she doesn’t bother measuring as it’s not accurate d

@Rhiannan every midwife appointment I had they have used the Doppler for heartbeat. The first midwife was lovely and asked loads of questions and asked how I was. The second appointment it was almost like I was an inconvenience to her, hope I get the nice one again 🤣

Oh I only got to hear the heartbeat at my 25 week! Some of them just rush you out the door don’t they!

My midwife told me to do it if I remember well lol. I think it should be them and not me as I’m not sure how to take measurements. Also I don’t want to cry when I actually see how big it is 😂

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I havent had any either but my midwife did say to me she won't do it until my 28 week appointment which will be my next one x

I’ve had my first growth scan today and they only told me where on the growth chart he’s on.. not had bump measured yet

They generally only measure your bump in third trimester and literally just do it with a measuring tape so not at all accurate - they’ll even admit that themselves. I got measured and was “measuring small” so went for some extra scans at the hospital and baby was totally normal size

Thanks everyone for all the advice 🩷 My midwife measured with a tape and said it was perfect and she's slap bang on the 50th percentile line. Everyone keeps commenting on how small my bump still is for being nearly 30 weeks.🙃

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