Milk Starter Kits

What are people's opinions on buying one of these milk starter kits for the hospital bag? Me and my partner have been debating if we need it or not for the bag, I say we do in case I can't breast feed in the first day or so, he says we don't and that the hospital should provide something if I can't breastfeed right away. What would you lovely ladies who have already had babies recommend?
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I’m breastfeeding and I’ve got packed one, and then got a tub of formula in the cupboard just incase breastfeeding isn’t working. My partner only has 2 weeks paternity so don’t want him wasting time having to pop the shop x

I have bought a pack of the kendamil ready to feed bottles in my hospital bag incase breastfeeding doesn't work out My friend who gave birth recently advised me to take some just in case and you can donate them if unused.

I've packed one of these. After speaking to my midwife she's said the hospital don't have any formula on hand to provide. My sisters partner had to go to a 24hr pharmacy when they had their little boy. X

Hospitals don’t provide any formula you have to take with you I had to 7 and 5 years ago with my other 2 aswell. You can’t take tubs of formula they have to be ready made bottles. I would definitely take a box because if it’s in the middle of the night you don’t want family to go hunting for them. I have brought 2 boxes but only packed 1 other is incase we are kept in for a couple of days then someone can bring up to me

It's up to you but I generally say don't because the hospital should have it and if not someone can run to a 24 HR supermarket if it's the middle of the night. And mostly because if you're not aware of what is normal in the first few days and mistake it for hunger/lack of milk of feeding you could end up using it and affecting your breastmilk supply. Instead of formula I would attempt/try to harvest colostrum for baby.

I took one with me in my hospital bag as I was always planning on making sure my baby had the first lot of breast milk (which she did) but knew I was always going to do formula (own personal choice) but I didn’t end up using any that I took as the hospital was amazing and wouldn’t let me use mine and kept giving me their ones which were exactly the same. It might depend on the hospital if they are like that I’m not sure. But I would personally always take it just so you know you have it if the hospital doesn’t offer and/or you can’t breast feed x

@Reena seems to depend on the hospital as people above said their hospital didn't have any. Also, your last point only applies if they are able to.

Id take them. I'm in Bedfordshire and my hospital will not under any circumstances supply milk unless you are in the nicu so they make sure to keep reminding me to pack some. It's worth having them and if they aren't used in hospital they're handy in the cupboard for emergencies

@Emmo all hospitals have to have a stock of formula. It just depends how freely they give it out to people. You can't not have it because of babies that are in nicu and HDU and as people say if there is an issue the hospital isn't going to let a baby go hungry. They say they won't provide it or they'd have to stock loads for the people that were going to formula feed anyway. I'll amend that to say "attempt" then since it's not clear.

The hospital will provide don't take them you will be more than tempted to use them trust me and it won't make things easier in the long run, I harvested colostrum and they used that when I struggled

@Elizabeth again it depends on the hospital Bedford will not supply at all but have measures for mums to store and heat milk of needed and that's it unless you're in the nicu then it's provided. It's best to check with your hospital what they will supply but also to be aware if you need one last minute and press that bell you may be waiting a long time for a bottle from them

@Reena @Elizabeth as I said in my post, there's a chance I may be unable to breastfeed (due to multiple lumps in each breast I've had since I was 18, not that I need to explain that to anyone) which means I may also not be able to even get colostrum. At the end of the day, I would rather have them and not need them, than not have them and need them but unable to get them. Because I'm a firm believer in that a fed baby is what's best. Doesn't matter if it's breast or formula. And I dread to imagine the amount of guilt I would feel for my little boy if I'm unable to breastfeed due to my issue, and didn't have any of these bottles to hand for him.

And if I don't need them and can luckily breast feed, then the unopened pack can be donated to the hospital before baby and me are discharged.

Not to mention the fact neither me or my partner drive, so if our little boy was to be born late evening/night time, and needed a feed but I'm unable to breastfeed and don't have a starter kit handy, it would be extremely difficult for us to get him any. 1 because we don't drive and 2 because there isn't even a 24hr store in our town.

I would personally take a box it really won’t hurt and if you are able to breast feed brill I would love to breast feed but have got really bad dry skin round boob when I’m pregnant have wanted to breast feed my 2 other children unable to and dry skin which is really sore and tender has appeared again so I completely understand where your coming from about might not be able to. All the comments about their being milk on NICU I couldn’t personally take milk off the poorly babies when I have had chance to buy. Good luck with labour x

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You asked for an opinion and we gave them and our reasons why. You didn't as you said have to explain your decision making to us or anyone. From your response it sounds like you have already made up your mind about what you intend to do.

I’m planning on breastfeeding but will be taking some just in case I can’t, plus I’d like to be able to have access to it if I feel it is needed and not having to wait for someone to get milk for me

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