Baby groups

I’m a recent new mum who does get quite anxious doing stuff on my own for the first time even with LO, but does anyone have any advice or tips for baby groups with a 2 month old please? I hate to feel pressured to do something or all eyes on my baby and I… it could just be me overthinking as I have no idea what these groups are like! x
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Basically everyone in the room will be feeling the same! And everyone is so focused on dealing with their own babies they probably won't be paying too much attention to you. I didn't really make any friends at baby groups but found it reassuring to be around other people with small babies and see that other babies cried or were fussy, not just mine! It's also a great place to practice feeding in public if you're breastfeeding. My advice would be to try a few different ones as they do all have slightly different atmospheres - good luck 😊

Exactly what @Demelza said 🤍 and it’s hard the first time and each time it gets better, I now look forward to Thursday group that is my favourite one so far! It’s scary but exciting at the same time - you’ve got this ✨🤍

Honestly for me they were a god send! I'm quite chatty anyway but I now have lifelong friends from baby groups. My daughter was 2 months old when we started going and she is now almost 8. She has grown up with these kids & me & their mums have built strong friendships. I don't know what I would have done without these groups tbh. Having a baby can feel lonely and isolating, the groups provided me with the support I needed. Go for it, you might be pleasantly surprised 😊

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