Feel a horrible mum

Since I’ve got home with my newborn a week ago my 2 year old is really stressing me out. I think it’s hormones but he’s screaming kicking off not listening throwing toys and I feel he is ruining the post partum bubble ☹️ my husband has to spend more time with him as I had a c section - last nights bedtime took 3 hours. We have no family nearby to help. Me and my husband have f sat down to eat together or even talk about our newborn yet. I hate that I’m finding my toddler so annoying and I know it’s soooo much adjustment for him but it’s so not the same second time round
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It's a major adjustment for everyone to learn how to be a family of 4. Your toddler can't manage the big feelings that happen with everyday life, let alone trying to identify/cope with a sibling. And most likely you (+ husband?) are exhausted with the constant care required by your newborn. No, it's not going to feel like the early days of bringing your first child home but honestly, seeing your children start to connect and develop a relationship will make it all worthwhile.

Are you in London? It look like the older one is jealous on the baby. We all feel like horrible moms sometimes. I’m sure you doing the best. Just find 2/5 minutes to sit and tell your child that you love him and and always will and show him how to love his little brother/sister. Reassurance will help. The same for your husband, try to plan and arrange 5/10 minutes in the day to sit and speak. Good luck!

I think your toddler feels pushed out. Maybe set some time to play with him or have cuddles for a little while if your newborn is settled xxx

@Ger thank you 🫶🫶

I went through this when I had my second. My first was 14months when I had a newborn if you need to message me about how I got her to calm down please do so, it's very hard but you got this x

@Emma thank you 🫶🫶

My toddler acted up a lot after new baby was born too. It got better after a few months. Hang in there mama

I just went through this it’s definitely the hormones, your toddlers whole world has been turn upside down and you’re holding onto this fantasy of how things were the first time but unfortunately you need to let that go because it is a different experience just wait for the next few weeks when your toddler settles down and your baby starts interacting and you get to watch them interact with each other it’s so special, my girl is obsessed with her brother and could just watch him all day long and he’s starting to come around to her it gets better 🥰

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