Reverse cycling is safe and very normal when you’re away. My baby has reverse cycled since 4 months old. Not because I’ve ever been away from him but because he’s so bloody nosey 😂 He takes the bulk of his milk overnight and ‘snacks’ throughout the day. Think of it like all that matters is babies overall milk intake in 24 hours - it doesn’t matter if that’s taken in the day or night. If baby slept 10 hours through the night at this age you wouldn’t wake them, think of the ‘through the night’ as the time you’re at work. It will mean baby will feed a lot more often during the night but if you’re okay with that then it’s totally fine x
@Yasmin thank you so much, this really puts my mind at ease! I’d never considered it as total quantity over 24 hours! We cosleep so happy to have her latched pretty much all night if that means she gets her milk intake! 🤣x
My girl has always been like that too. She was EBF for 4 months. Wr then struggled to get her onto a bottle. It took us a good few weeks before she did. We tried soo many! When she finally did, she was only snacking, very little very often. Sometimes only 10 or 20ml. Sometimes she still does it. Once she was changed to a bottle she started waking up at night and having pretty much most of her bottles/calories at night. She takes big feeds at night. We've tried everything reverse it but it's not working so we've just come to accept it now. It doesn't bother (too much) now :)
Also to add, my little girl feeds on demand throughout the day, could be as often as hourly but sometimes every three hours. She’s very much a snacker as sometimes feeds only last 2-3 mins!