Definitely one and done. I had an easy pregnancy, but postpartum anxiety kicked my tail almost immediately. I don’t think I could deal with that again.
Financially I don’t think we could handle a second. Plus I wasn’t supposed to be able to get pregnant with this one and I did. We have tossed around the idea of not wanting her to be an only child but I think I am coming to terms with mentally and financially she will probably be the only one
@Kanisha same! I didn’t realize how anxious and stressed I would be in the initial newborn stage
My partner and I are both committed to being one and done. We talk about our reasons every so often, and the feelings that come up sometimes that could lead us to reconsider. But it's definitely the right choice for us, and discussing it helps us reaffirm our commitment. Plus, 28 hours of natural labor that kicked my butt and the challenge of being new parents and breastfeeding that's not coming easily, it feels like we've just added more to why it's the right decision for us. I definitely recommend the copper IUD. I had one before I got pregnant and I plan to get one again so I have non-hormonal pregnancy protection. It's got a bad reputation, but I had it for 7 years and loved it.
If you aren’t sure I would just use some form of birth control , decide when they turn 1 or 2
I’m definitely one and done!
I’m for sure 1 and done for so many reasons my pregnancy my labor lol my sanity I also think about the financial aspect of having children