
I’ve been induced since Sunday 06/09 du to excess fluid. Tell me how my husband can hold off on his vape but my MIL is literally hitting her mod in L&D room. I asked her to stop and even threatened to throw it out the window but she played it off and stopped but she still continues later. I’ve complained to my husband about it and he said he will definitely say something to her when she actively does it again. She’s asleep rn and I can’t kick her out bc my husband wants her there for the birth which will be soon. It feels so disrespectful to me. Idk I’m so mad. How would you handle the situation???
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Tell a nurse!!! L&D nurses are amazing at setting boundaries when pregnant moms are not entirely comfortable!!

@Chloe if my husband doesn’t say something and she doesn’t stop I will. I just don’t want her kicked out or in trouble.

My question is do you want her in delivery? Because that shouldn't be his call that is 100% your call because you're the one having the baby. Other than that if she can't respect your wishes to stop vaping then you are fully within your rights to have a nurse set the boundaries especially since I'm fairly certain they have no smoking and no vaping rules at the hospital

Yeah fuck that I would tell her to stop or get out and if she doesn’t listen tell the charge nurse they will kick her out

I’d have her kicked out. You can’t vape around a baby at home either… set a clear boundary from the start. Who tf vapes in a hospital anyways???

Babes u can kick her out😭 u the one who makes decisions in the L and D room 😭he just gone have to understand bc she doesn’t respect you or your husband or the health and sanitation of the baby

What about when your baby is back at home? Husband and grandma both vaping around baby? You will have to set a strong boundary if this is important to you.

@Camille I think it’s easy as long as they do it outside, especially it’s summer it don’t hurt to step outside or even in the basement or a room that doesn’t have much ventilation to the rest of the house but the best choice is outside. Hopefully they can find middle ground so it doesn’t become a issue

Goodbye MIL

Umm this is YOUR birth. It doesn’t matter who your husband wants in the room. She doesn’t wanna be there enough to respect your wishes and who in their right mind would even think about vaping inside the actual delivery room?! Go outside!! She deserves to get kicked out, she needs to grow up.

If you DO NOT WANT HER THERE as YOU are the patient you don’t gotta is you’re husband the one giving birth??? No. That’s what I thought it’s about what makes YOU comfortable f what anyone else thinks

Tell the nurse!!🫶🏻

How hard is it to go outside to vape? Serious lack of respect and boundaries at the worst possible time. I think your partner needs to step in and say something or she’s going to ruin your whole experience. She already kinda has.

Screw your husband and what he says. MIL needs to kick rocks for now.

I would ask my nurse to remove her from the room, they will set boundaries when you may not feel super comfortable doing so. I’d only let it slide if you want her there too. If not then tell the nurses you want her to go outside to smoke not in the room or to have her leave.

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Yeah you need to stand up for yourself and tell her to leave and not come back. If you can’t set boundaries in your own delivery room, when will you?! Tell the nurses you want her gone.

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