Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Head circumference

Has anyone else’s newborn had their head measured yet at 6-8week check with GP? My little boy is 7 weeks and head is measuring at 40.5cm which they said is big… it doesn’t look big though and looks in proportion with his body. Just wondering if I should be concerned !



So I’m currently 11 weeks pregnant, had a scan at 5 weeks as I thought I was further on, the heartbeat was visible on that scan, but for the past four days all my symptoms have disappeared? No more morning sickness, no more breast tenderness? Should I call my midwife? I don’t like calling for little things


7 weeks 5 days ✨

Drop your March babies scans below so we can all see what our babies are looking at at different stages 💕


Early scan

I've not had my booking appt yet or had any contact from hospital but would I be able to ring the department and ask for an early reassurance scan? I've had 3 consecutive miscarriages last one being horrific but not sure if they'll just say I have to wait. Not sure if requesting an early scan is even a thing🧐


I had my Dating scan yesterday, due 28th January ✨

Can't believe how wiggly they were compared to our first borns scans 🙈 this little one was twisting and turning and kicking themselves off my uterus, making it very hard to get a measurement at first! You know what they say about second borns 🤣



12 week scan today, I’m 12+4 due date 4th feb 2025 I feel like there is a possibility of one of each but who knows.


9-12m HV check

We’ve had our appointment through and it’s via Microsoft teams, I called to change the appointment and query why it wasn’t in person and was told they’re all via teams unless it’s a safeguarding issue. Is this correct for the whole country? It seems hard to understand how they’re going to assess his development on a...


Accelerated growth ?

I had my usual midwife appointment yesterday at 31+3 and I’ve been told baby is measuring bigger than what is expected. Now I’m to have a scan for accelerated growth. Last time I was measured, baby was measuring under I had a scan for that and was told everything was fine but he’s on the bigger side. And now again a...


Looking for some reassurance

Hi, I went for a growth scan yesterday at 31+2 and was told that baby has now dropped below the 10th Percentile (they said they are not worried about the rate of his growth as he’s grown as much as they’d expect but just that he is quite small). They’ve told me I will need a doppler scan in a week and then regular g...


Anyone else measuring big

I had my 24 week appointment yesterday at 24+5 and the doc said he’s measuring almost at 27 weeks (between 1.5 to 2 weeks ahead) and requested a growth scan for my next appointment it’s my first baby so I’m wondering if anyone else is measuring big and if you have previously did you make it to term or deliver before...


Anatomy scan

I just did my anatomy scan and i’m a little bit worried, doctor said they saw 2 small cysts in my baby’s brain but they said it’s nothing to worry about.. very common and should disappear around week 30, but I can’t calm down😅


When they think you aborted

Ultrasound tech today assumed I was having a pelvic exam after an abortion 💀 I had a missed miscarriage but I felt so uncomfortable I just didn’t say anything. She was hella mean to me lmao. Way to make a terrible thing more terrible for me jfc


Too early or blighted ovum?

Based on ovulation, i should be around 6.5 weeks. They still can't see anything in the gestational sac, l've had multiple ultrasounds in the past 2 weeks. I'm freaking out... my sac is measuring 23.5mm, doctor wants to diagnose a blighted ovum. I just wanna have faith, this hurts. I could be too early to see baby, i...


Wishing first trimester would go faster

I’m 5weeks and dying to get to that first ultrasound. I have it booked for 8weeks and it can’t come soon enough. To make time feel faster I read through the April 2025 babies group just to remind myself I made it past one stage of waiting in this journey (waiting for that positive test) now I just need to make it t...


20 week scan echogenic bowel and femur

Hello, I’ve recently had my 20 week scan followed by another with a consultant and both confirmed an echogenic bowel. The initial scan also flagged that the femur was below the 5th percentile but above 3rd and when I asked the consultant she said there needs to be a 2 week gap before it can be measured again. We’ve ...


Reassurance scan

Can you ask EPU for a reassurance scan?? From the date of my last period I should be 7+3.. We had a missed miscarriage end of March where I found out in a private scan at 10 weeks which was an absolute shock and the heartbreak was unbelievable!! I have the same midwife who fed me all the things I wanted to hear abo...


How bad is your pregnancy brain?

I almost walked out of target without paying. Literally scanned everything, put it in bags and was waiting for my pizza to be ready when I realized I didn't have a receipt 😅🙈🤦‍♀️ I am actually concerned because I literally almost committed a crime 🤦‍♀️


Baby scan

Had my 32 wks scan today and baby girl had her foot in her face. She got some big ahh feet or am I tripping ?


No health insurance & 10 weeks pregnant, need advice 😔

I’m freaking out, I was layoff in march & I applied in march.I have updated my application letting them know I am pregnant in June but, what a nightmare I have visited the local office, called several times & I get the same answer every time. “ your paperwork is being process , I should get something in the mail onc...


12 week scan - boy or girl??? 💙🩷

We had our scan today, wondered if anyone had any guesses if it might be a boy or girl? 🙏


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