Am I the only one?

Everyone makes mom life especially stay at home mom life out to be this super magical fun fulfilling amazing adventure. Umm going on 8 months here and this is nothing at all like I imagined. All those cute little pinterest ideas are all fails and make me feel like I'm failing at life. Making my son's food from scratch?! The idea was cute the recipes I found SUCK! He cries and is very impatient. Am I failure or is everyone just taking their losses in silence? This momma is tired and needs some encouragement. This photo is the aftermath of trying to do yet another arts and craft with broccoli, a crying baby, crying baby's foot, and paint.
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Your doing great !!! I wish I could be the pinterest mom too but I'm not lol . I started my kids off on avocado and banana just smash them up really good maybe add milk (formula or breast) . You are difantly not a failure although i think i am to half the time . Hes still a baby maybe try your crafts and fun ideas for when he gets a little bit older . Maybe he will like dancing to music with you while you sing to him or just simply playing with toys together . Something that doesn't have to take lots of patients for them .

You’re most definitely not a failure. Something I’m still struggling with but it’s become almost a mantra for me is to not compare myself with other moms/parents. The grass is greener and all that. Do what feels right for you and your family and don’t sweat it if you try something new and it doesn’t work out. At the end of the day as long as you and your baby are happy, it doesn’t matter if everything went to plan.

You got this! Being a stay at home mom myself with a almost 5 year old and 1.5 year old it’s tough. I get overwhelmed and exhausted at times. I have to remind myself at times how lucky I am and that it’s ok it I don’t have all my shit to together like those Pinterest moms. My kids are loved and yes they drive me crazy and yes I feel like nothing gets done but their happiness is what gets me through those though days.

You’re definitely not the only one! Every single cute activity I tried in the first year ended in tears and failure😂 It’s like my daughter could sense my anticipation or excitement and would shit all over it lol. It gets better though .... now she’s 1.5 and we’re like 50/50 whether something I planned ends in success or tears:)

Check out baby led weaning! From 6 months, I’ve fed my baby table foods and it’s great. I’ve never had to sit there and hand feed him or spend forever making separate foods for my baby. Also, arts and crafts didn’t take off with us until recently. I spent so much time and effort trying to do projects with him but he didn’t have the attention span until a little after 1. Give yourself grace 💕 you’re doing great

The fact that you’re trying to make it magical is what’s important. That is what your kiddo will remember. Nothing is picture perfect but it really doesn’t need to be. That would be boring. Anyway, being a stay at home mom became a lot more fun for me once my child was older and could communicate and enjoy those moments. Before that it just felt like I was trying to make it magical for me and only me, which was depressing. Hang in there and don’t be so hard on yourself! You’re doing a great job!

Nobody ever said being a mom would be easy but we give it our best everyday no matter what ur NOT a failure or terrible mother

Awww your not alone and your doing great. Keep doing what your doing.

Ignore the Internet. Every cute picture I take is a lie 😂 If you don't want to make food from scratch, don't. If they're fed, who cares. Sometimes you just need to throw a pack of biscuits and a tv remote their way and enjoy your hot coffee in peace. It can't all be magical, we're not in a disney movie x

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So freaking true! I’m amazed by stay at home moms! Stay strong, you got it! Do what is best for the family!

I fucking love this!!!

Finding activities you enjoy doing too is important. I don’t like paint everywhere so we save that for the summer months when we can do it in the garden. My son enjoys playdoh and that’s not messy so I enjoy it too. It’s all a balance. Don’t feel guilty at this age they’ve got no idea anyway, they’re just happy you’re around x

Listen. You are doing great, the fact that you are constantly trying new things shows how much you care. But no unfortunately it isn't like we see on social media etc. Its really hard mentally as well as physically. They are happiest with you around and giving them attention so they can safely explore on their own. Don't worry too much about making the perfect play environment and perfect organic food, the reality is they'll eat what they want to eat, and they'll do what they want to do 😆. Also, we are all going through the same thing, try not to compare with unrealistic things we see every single day.

Haha don't worry, stay at home life is not the glossy instagram holiday ppl make it out to be! Most of the time I'm lonely, feeling like I'm not doing enough, bored or just stuck for what to do next. Feeding, activities, messy play etc are all chaos and mess, and certainly don't often go to plan!!!!

I gave up a big career to be a FTM 1.5 years ago and am now pregnant (7months) whilst looking after my little boy. None of it has been easy, there is about 5 minutes out of every day that make it all worth it when he smiles at me or when he actually eats something I’ve given him without throwing it all over the floor (usually crisps or a biscuit). I tried making things from scratch but it was more stress than it’s worth. I very quickly started using pre made formula and cow & gate baby food until he was old enough to have solids. And now I just give him whatever we have that’s quick and easy! Kids really just need love and attention. Everything else doesn’t matter too much. My fella came home last night to me sat on the kitchen floor crying while my toddler danced around me throwing crisps everywhere....we all struggle darling. Keep at it! 💪🏼

You are doing a great job! Trust me 😊 as a mother and also as an infant/toddler teacher I can tell you that these art activities at this age are all super quick! Children at this age do not have a long attention span so they will be in and out of an activity quick! What I try to do at this age whether it was with my daughter (she will be 10months tomorrow) or with the children at my work is a lot of sensory activities....paint by itself on a paper for them to feel, their baby cereal in a container so they can feel texture (you can also switch it up oatmeal, flour, cornstarch) try that alone one day maybe throw a few small toys in there that they can grab or try added measuring cups and then the following day add water! The texture changes and they are exploring and learning. As far as paint you can always add it on a paper and stick it in a gallon zip Loc bag and have them move the paint around through the bag less messy! 😊

You are doing great I have tried and tried to do arts and crafts or something special with my son since he was born sometimes to get His first year monthly picture it took me about 30 minutes just to get it right so don’t worry now that he is turning three it’s becoming a bit easier but it’s always going to be a struggle right up until..... no scratch thatI think being a mom is always a struggle my mom struggled and worried for my sister even after married and my brother passed away and my mom still worries about him .... so in few words you are doing the best you can to make your baby happy so long as your kiddo is happy everything else is just you being a MOM but at the end when they look up to you he’s a mom mommy or you just give you a hug or smile or give you a kiss for no good reason just because that’s what makes everything magical

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Well tbh I think it’s abit of trail & error nobody gets it 100% right as every mother & child is different and everyone struggles with different things and it’s okay to feel like it’s hard as it is it’s a 24/7 job even if you work the second you get through the door you’re ok again even during work you’re still on incase they’re sick ect although I don’t think it’s talk about enough how challenging it can be trying to manage everything but again you’re trying and making memories sometimes your kids prefer the times things didn’t quite go right as it makes for funny stories but don’t stress yourself out trying to do this perfect life style you see as it doesn’t always go that way I would suggest making them in advance and heating up when it’s time for them to eat you can freeze some, defrost a day in advance then feed them that and each night take out enough for the next day it’ll still be fresh but take slot of pressure off of you

Don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s like that for everyone. I am not a cook-from-scratch mom or an arts-and-crafts mom lol. As long as your kid is healthy and loved, you’re doing a great job.

The internet is a great place for recipes, it's also a place where people get to portray a version of themselves that just does. not. exist. in real life 😂 believe me! Relatives and friends could know a thing or two about playtime ideas and recipes that turn out nice in real life. Meal prep helps, so then all you have to do is heat it before he gets too hungry ♡ You're doing fine, just putting too much pressure on yourself. Keep it simple :) schedule your life the way that suits you and your baby. You two are still getting to know eachother if you think about it 😊 social media doesn't matter nor is it realistic ♡ it's hard to know what to do all the time and motherhood is a lot of trial and error for first time mums ❤

You are not alone! Having kids is not a lot of Pinterest worthy moments. You will have magical moments, but you will have more if you can take care of yourself. Feels like you need a break and do something for yourself. It's a lot of work to keep a human alive all the time. Try putting your hand over your heart and stepping back when you feel overwhelmed. Your 8 month is going to be a mess with paint, my 2.5 year old is a mess with paint. You can allow them to be how they are supposed to be if you can allow yourself to be.

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Girl im HUGE with self care. EVERY day lol. Its just so important.

That is perfectly normal for the first few years. When babies get to toddlers they become a lot more work. I think you should take everyday day by day rather than having so much expectations as it’s bad for you and your baby. Cherish theses moments as babies grow so so fast. If you make baby his/ her food and they don’t want it it’s not a big deal, tomorrow they may eat there food or not etc that’s just how babies are.. maybe things your going with baby is too advanced just left your baby be. Find out what the baby enjoys doing and take your time to get to know them because it sounds like you are frustrated. Also someone else’s experience may be different to your so don’t compare just see it for what it is and maybe you will start to enjoy your lil bundle of joy. Every baby is different. Your doing a great job just take it easy on yourself remember baby is growing, teething and trying to work out what is going on already that is enough for there little brains to handle etc x

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Girl babies are boring af lol. Im so over it 😅

You aren’t a failure. The stay at home mom life definitely is hard. I’ve been doing it for 18 months and I’ve had ups and downs with it. But at the end of the day it is all worth it especially for the little ones.

You are so not.... I totally understand what you mean. Kind of like how society paints weddings or marriage. You are doing an amazing job for doing everything you are doing, bring jonedt and feeling your feelings. I read and love as mt daughter got older and she felt that way to make a super fun castle (building blocks through midware) where I can try yo help her process and move forward. It sounds like you are doing everything really well and om so sorry some of the recipes are not as advertised.. I really think ut is the hardest, but best job in the 🌎. I promise little wins will happntry to laugh when things happen of do something nice for myself like blend dates and milk and warm them up or hot chocolate 🍫. I really love this one just stir (i font put food coloring in and it is messy). We love to blend organic frozen fruit and refreeze and say its ice cream or take the bananas out of the peel, freeze and blend (may need yo thaw a little depending on the strength of the blender).

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I love Michelle Obama podcast on Spotify praying for help (yo know what to fo when challenging) and just listening to 5 min. of more guided meditations. Lots of love. Pleazs don't give up before miracles happen. It gets easier in different ways.

F#$% pinterest. And insta... and most social media. Whther it's your wedding or motherhood or any life event, there's some social media to make you feel inadequte. Sure it's nice to look at, pick up a couple ideas you know you can realistically achieve, but everything else is just for show, for social media folk to get likes. Remember, for alot of people, social media posts are their job or wannabe job. I challenge you to go into any older kids classroom and pick out the organic home cooked food fed kids against the jar and packet lot... it's not possible.

You are most definitely not alone! I get this daily, I feel I try and try to do all the cutesy stuff we’re “supposed” to be doing but it rarely turns out the way you plan. My son is a real fussy eater, I go in to each week thinking yeah I’m gonna make him this and that and try this and he ends up with beans for dinner most days because that’s all he bloody likes! Lol.. I think it’s totally normal but the mom guilt gets me every day. & with covid going on I feel like I can’t do anything with my son / take him anywhere it’s super stressful. X

My son gave zero Fs about my art projects until recently and he's turning 3 in December. He was more of a leave me alone and let me do my own thing kind of infant. Just focus on learning your baby vs trying to show him every little fun thing. Take the pressure up and relax. I made my son's food from scratch with the baby bullet. One new thing for a whole week to make sure he's not allergic some he'll like some he won't. Just like us trying shellfish for the first time we loved it or hated it 🤷🏾‍♀️ just learning and growing hun. Those pinster moms have great ideas but trust they fail too! In fact I failed so much I never got my security deposit back from our first because of the carpet stains 🤧😂. Much love mama you've got this. I've been a SAHM for nearly 3 years and baby 2 is on the way if I can do it YOU can do it.

My rule is.. if prep and clean up take more time then the task it self it's not worth my time 😆

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Love this

It is SO hard, I am right there with you. I feel inadequate so often, but I just pray God uses this time and my feeble efforts to help my baby grow and develop into a bright and capable young man. Some advice, delete social media. I just did this 2 months ago and I can’t tell you what a huge difference it has made. Just use your imagination to come up with activities for the baby, they don’t need a bunch of elaborate thought out activities, my son loves playing with a wooden spoon and measuring cups 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also, try baby led weaning, it has made meals SOOOO much easier for me, I just give him whatever I’m eating (try to stay away from salt/sugar and honey of course). And let them get messy! I know it goes against everything inside you but lay down a towel or go outside and let him make a mess with paint or food or whatever and just sit back and let yourself laugh and enjoy the moment! You are doing GREAT!

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Yea I've deleted social media about 2 months ago too. And it has been awesome snd also sucks bc now im even more bored lol. It was like my only human connection for a while due to covid and anxiety. But yes ive also been letting him just get messy and figure it out on his own 🤣😂

Oh my god you are most definitely not alone.. I feel everything you said. Being a SAHM is so much harder than I realised. Our weaning journey hasn't been easy and its pants seeing other peoples babies on Social Media much younger than my son eating more. Social Media is not a good place to be sometimes. You are most definitely not a failure.. being a Mummy is just really bloody hard. Sending you lots of love xxxx

Your doing great don't be so hard on yourself! You are allowed to be tired take some rest and pamper yourself a little even if it's just doing your nails or something.

Oh honey no your not alone!! I’ve been a SAHM for almost 7yrs and girl let me tell you it’s rewarding and sometimes extremely overwhelming and exhausting! I don’t post much about it because I just don’t got the time ive got 2 toddlers a 2yr old daughter and a 1yr old son!! And I have my moments

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I am finding Momming is the most unique individual experience ever. I say give all you can and remember to breathe smile and keep on loving! 🤷🏽‍♀️😊🥰

Way harder than I imagined until recently I worked so I still had a piece of me left I love my kids all 5 of them with all my heart but they've consumed me they are all I am which dosent sound bad but can be a battle

A couple things to keep in mind--different kids are fun at different ages. My kid SUCKED until 1. Like, I regretted my decision to have him that whole first year... But this year he is the best behaved of the playgroup! Also, you will be a better mom sometimes than others. Some people are magic with babies, others are enchanted by toddlers. I haven't met anybody that is both so you having trouble now is a good sign! Also, kids love messes, so do projects that end in a mess if they fail and ur kid will love it no matter what:)

You’re not a failure momma. Not all babies are the same. Just like you may like doing things that I don’t your baby may just not like some of the things you’ve tried. Look at what you know he already likes and branch from that. Mom life and SAHM life is not some glamorous thing like people try to make it out to be. It’s a job. A 24/7 job. We have good moments, bad moments, and very boring “normal” moments. Hang in there. You’re doing great.

Yes!! I’m always on myself everyday why can’t I be this perfect Pinterest mom!! Great post

It can be hard, nobody likes to admit they find it hard. Try to get out in the fresh air, play with your baby. And take some time for yourself each day. You are doing your best and that is enough. Dont mind the pinterest and social media crap.

Not alone! I researched a project this morning, got the materials set up. Daughter was not interested! 😂 She just wanted to play with clay, so I let her. That other project can wait or not happen at all. Eventually they’ll take the lead a little bit. But for now anything mushy or messy is a win and if something doesn’t work, just know that the time spent together is most important thing no matter what you are doing. 🌺

Definitely not alone! I also had the super mum craft and cooking dreams. I’ve realised that unless they are at school/daycare they probably won’t ever want to do the “fun” activities you’ve planned and even if they do it won’t be an enjoyable sit down thing paint will get thrown everywhere and something will most likely be stuck to there head. A lot of mums are great and inventive in the kitchen especially when it comes to getting nutrition in but that is not me either I really struggle my Husband is the great cook in the house. Sounds like you are doing a great job and need to give yourself a break. Being a stay at home mum isn’t always fun and it can be very draining and then you get the Mum guilt because you should be happy to be with your kids. All normal feelings you are having and very relatable xxx

I understand you so much!! 😭

Girl it's a dumpster fire! I find it very hard to keep it all together.

I’m a SAHM and have been for the last 2 and a half years! It’s definitely time for my angel to go to nursery next week for 3 days a week cause I’m going insane slowly! Haha I get so cross too time to hand over the reins!

Being a mom is hard! It’s really hard. If your kid is alive, and growing, then you are doing a fantastic job!  becoming a mother changes your entire world. I know it is not magical. How can spit up and poop be magical? Let go of anything that makes you feel guilty if it doesn’t go perfect. Homemade baby food not working out? Unplug the blender and put it away forever. Pinterest projects? Delete the app for a while. You know it made me feel accomplished when my oldest was that age? Getting up, getting the baby and myself breakfast, emphasis on myself, getting us both dressed, and going for a walk in the park. And then when it was her naptime, I would make myself a nice lunch, eat it while watching Netflix, and then I would take a nap. In the beginning I set the bar so high for myself, that I think it really contributed to what turned into a very serious postpartum depression. Allow yourself to just hit the reset button and live by these two words “whatever works. “

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So true Thanks you for share this

Ur not alone!! Hang in there! Enjoy the small things. Celebrate your wins like naps and when they cooperate. There’s no shame in this mom game. We are all doing the best we can.

You are definitely not alone. My mother kept tellimg me how she loved those early months, how motherhood is amazing....i swear she made it sound like a bloody fairytale. Its amazing in its own way.

If the baby is alive at the end of the day and I’ve eaten something, I consider it to be a successful day

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Same here lol

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Girl, I have an almost 7 month old and I can’t get a single thing done. I had a complete mental breakdown yesterday over how messy my house is. I feel like every time I start a project, something gets in the way of finishing it 😭

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I felt this in my soul. Ur preaching lol

Sooooooo not alone!!!!!

I'm with you. No idea how some moms can have time to get those pinterest activities prepped without the baby getting inpatient. My 10 month old hated baby swings, play pens, sit me up seats, and will only nap on me. So...He will hang in the bouncer for a max of 10 minutes and he'll occasionally ensure a baby carrier for about the same. Most of the time though, by the time I get him adjusted in the carrier he's ready to get out and it just wears me out more to try. He either wants to be in my arms or on the floor exploring the dangers of my house and putting everything in his mouth. I just try to pace the marathon so I can make it to bedtime.

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OMFG YESSS!!! Thank God he actually loves the baby carrier though. Idk what I would do without it.

I can totally relate!

Pinterest and instagram has a lot for answer for for us mamas thinking we’re failing! Nothing is ever that perfect! I love my little man, but god does he drive me insane sometimes. If I plan a lovely outing in the park he’s happy eating mud(or trying)your little one is happy to be with you, whatever activity or food you do! You’ve got this Mama! 💪🏻

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