Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Lower back pain

I'm 14w3d today and for the past few days, I've had suck bad lower back pain! I know there are some stretches I could do, etc, but just wondering if anyone else is dealing with this and how you're coping. My mom said she had lower back pain the whole time for one of her pregnancies 😫 I'm hoping that is not the…


Implantation bleeding?

Hey everyone I started lightly spotting/bleeding and it’s like a rusty brown color and isn’t much, is this implantation bleeding? I’ve never experienced implantation bleeding before so I have no idea if it is or not. Sorry for the tmi photo but I figured it’d be easier to tell if you could see what I’m talking about:)



so exited! saw my baby’s first kicks today at 19weeks! had feelings all week but saw the kick properly today while my sister was playing jealous by nick jonas😂


Lots of cramping. 26 weeks

Has anyone experienced this? Painful cramps on and off today, no bleeding but lots of discharge



39 weeks pregnant today. I’ve had a cold for a few days and yesterday I had a migraine so it took me a while to go to bed. Woke up this morning, still have a migraine. Tried going back to bed and it’s still there. Do you think this is just because I had a cold? Scheduled to get induced Tuesday, and I have a doctor...


Feeling sick and stomach pain

I’ve felt absolutely fine for the past 3 weeks but for the last few days I’ve been getting these on and off upper stomach pains and feeling really sick and dizzy, anyone know what this could be? 14+2 today


Left shoulder

Left shoulder balde pain and back of shoulder? Randomly started no other symptoms. Not concerned but has anyone experienced it


Body feeling worn out already !!

Just wondering if anyone felt the aches and pains of pregnancy a lot earlier the second time? We are 5 weeks pregnant with baby number two and my body is already hurting 😂 doesn’t help that I work an evening job on a Saturday with lots of walking , bar work and washing up and today we have done lots of walking (…


35 weeks

So I’ll be 35 weeks tomorrow and since 34 weeks n like 3 days my back has been hurting n it seems to hurt when I’m laying flat on it,on my side or even just sitting but when I’m ina bath or up and walking it hurts a lot less any advice I don’t wanna buy a heating bad when I got 4 weeks left if that any other ways to...



Anyone’s little ones constantly turn their wrists? X


Baby movement

I’m currently 22weeks & 3days pregnant due sept 19th with baby #2 and haven’t felt much moving but she has a strong heartbeat , my ob said it could take up to 23-24 weeks to feel any movement, and while I know every pregnancy can be different, it worries and throws me off because I could definitely feel my son by 20...


34 + 5 on and off shooting pains in lower abdomen.

For the past 10/15 minutes I've been having on and off shooting/throbbing pains in my lower abdomen, at first I thought it was just trapped wind or something to do with the position I was sat in, but it keeps coming and going. It doesn't feel like a period cramp type of pain and it's not a severe pain but it is noti...


Bump update: 34+5..

Don't know how to cope with another 5-6 weeks of growth, pressure and heat🥵


Lightening crotch

Has anyone experienced lightening crotch? I’m not sure if that’s what I’m experiencing… I’m 35 weeks and baby is getting low and putting a lot of pressure on things, including my bladder. (I think sometimes there’s some head banging going on as I’m not sure if I’m about to wee myself!) This morning I felt like a z...


Babys red eye? Any one may suggest what this could be?

Doc precdibed eye drops but hasnt improved


Pelvic pressure/pain

I'm 37+4. Is anyone else experiencing a lot of pelvic pressure which can sometimes feel sharp? I feel worried to even walk the dog due to the discomfort


I am afraid my morning sickness will last throughout the entire pregnancy

As per google and some maternity apps, I am 7 weeks pregnant. Oh boy! But these last 2 1/2 weeks I have been suffering nonstop with nauseas, food aversions to (pretty much everything) oh and the heartburns killing me at night 😩 The thought of some foods and the smells are driving me crazy!! No natural ways…


Reduced baby movements in third trimester. Is it a thing?

Hey all! I started feeling baby movements quite early in the pregnancy, at around 17 weeks and they continued to grow stronger every passing week (which i loved)!! As soon as i hit third trimester, i have started feeling a lot less movements, like as soon as 28th week started. I know that since baby will have less...


Any prebiotics or probiotics you’d recommend?

I really don’t have the best gut typically and recently have been experiencing flare ups much more


bleeding after sex?

my husband works night shift for most of every week and our toddler also co sleeps so sex isn't a usual thing for us. i have noticed after sex for the past few months i start bleeding, i would say a concerning amount. if the bleeding doesn't start immediately after sex it's the day after and i bleed for days. i have...


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