Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
My baby is just over 4 months and still hasnt had tears yet. He is a very happy baby and only whinges when he’s hungry or tired and generally those things are solved right away without too much drama. But do your babies cry with tears? I find it odd that my baby doesn’t and now I have doubt
My baby is nearly 12 weeks old and doesn't cry tears - is this normal ? Do your babies cry tears ?
Is it normal for my 2 year old to be twice pushed over in nursery to twice bang his head on the table & hurt himself on two separate occasions it’s happened now in last few months. He cried hysterically apparently. I’m not happy about this. The nursery is tiny and the boys were running around apparently the staff to...
My toddler is 2 years old and barely speaks any sentences. He’s very repetitive with some behaviours. He has good eye contact and can follow some instructions. I’ve asked the health visitor to refer him to speech and language therapy to get him the support he needs however she’s just so hesitant and has said she’ll ...
Anyone else’s little one going through a really clingy stage? My little girl is literally throwing tantrums if one of us leaves her or she’s left with someone else for a few minutes.
this is kinda a rant/talking it out. so my daughter is 1 year and 4 months old but is not standing on her own or walking much. She pulls herself up on anything and letting go sometimes for a few seconds before she holds onto something again. I try to get her to walk but she shows more interest in crawling or being h...
Anyone going through this.. is this a phase? Am I doing something wrong?? HELP
i’ve just had my appointment come through for my little girl with the health visitor and i’m so worried that she’s behind , she’s only recently started to show any interest in food which i know isn’t that big of a deal as it was when she was ready but she’s 9 months and still can’t sit up on her own she’s sooo close...
I've never heard of a 1 year old baby speaking in full sentences and being able to do back and forth conversation like an adult does 😒 inlaws seem to think baby should be properly talking when he is only just a year old, they are apparently not satisfied that he can say single phrases and 2 word phrases like 'say…
Anyone else going through the same? My little boy absolutely hates the car. He will scream the whole journey unless he’s fallen asleep. It’s so overstimulating trying to concentrate on driving and listen to him crying. I’m having to pull over multiple times just to calm him down. Any tips please? I’ve tried rattles,...
My LO is still not pulling up to stand, she tries but just ends up on her knees and then gets frustrated and gives up. If I just give her a gentle pull on the hands, she stands up easily. She just loves crawling really fast and has no interest in the walker. All the babies her age have seem to be pulling up for mont...
Hello mums Firstly happy BIRTH day to the mummies that gave birth a year ago we’ve been mummies for a year now🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗🤗 okay now to the point, my lg has been throwing little tantrums when she doesn’t get her own way like throwing herself back or trying to hit and bite she’s never ever been like this and I just…
I have the first senco meeting about my 2 year old at nursery tomorrow has anyone had this? Am not sure what they’ll say as my health visitor applied for us as she thinks she could have autism?
Been feeling quite disheartened, baby always smiling and laughing with his dad, he is 4 months old, he’s still happy with me but my partner seems to be able to make him laugh so much more, am I doing something wrong? Feel like I’m boring to him
Hey December mamas, are your LOs talking yet? Mine only babbles, screeches but no intentional words. She says dada but it isn’t intentional. Like she’s not calling or looking at me and calling me dad. She also does not respond to her name consistently or mimick/gesture. So I am not sure if she knows her name, ignori...
Has anyone’s LO started to crawl yet? Is there anything I could do to help him start?? He’s 5 months in 2 days😊
My baby keeps scratching his scalp so hard. He does get a tiny bit of cradle cap...but even when that isn't there he still scratches! He woke up with a long cut from where he's scratched. I cut or file his nails so often! Anyone else?
I’m passed worrying about it now, he’ll get there in his own time. And I apparently only bum shuffled from 1 years old, so poor boy most likely takes after me 😂. But I’m just wondering if any March 2024 mamas are still in the same boat as me?
After a few settling in sessions, today is my 1yr olds first day at nursery. Ill be picking him up earlier around 4. I just called to ask how he was doing and they said he didn't have breakfast cz he didnt want any but theyll keep trying. He is generally very attached to me and did cry during his settling in sessi...
Hey guys Does anyone else have a problem with their toddlers behaviour? My son is soo rude he answers back all tbe time, in shop he'll just scream if he doesnt get a toy and everyone around just stares which actually annoys me more like they've never seen children have tantrums We've got to a point we don't even ...