Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Sleeping on stomach

My little one just turned 5 months old and started rolling back to front and now does this in his sleep! This morning I found him sleeping on his stomach and it freaked me out. He was fine asleep in his bassinet. Anyone else experiencing this or have any advice? He just has a sheet on his bassinet and sleeps in a sl...


Waking in the night

Anyones LO still waking in the night and staying awake for hours on end crying 😫 my LO was up last night from 12-2am 😫


Sleep Apnea?

Does anyone have sleep apnea? Or suspect that they do? My boyfriend says it sounds like I can’t breathe when I’m sleeping and I snore extremely loud. I thought I was experiencing sleep paralysis but the more I Google I feel like it’s sleep apnea. I’m going to talk to my doc @ my next appointment but thought I’d ask....


20 minute naps

My boy is 6 and a half months and was taking 30-45 minutes naps up until he turned 6 months, now his naps are only 20 mins long and come afternoon he's so miserable and needs to be on my hip to be happy. However he is sleeping through the might most nights now. He does about a 2 hour awake window and will then show ...


Sleep training

I’d like to start sleep training. I’ve attempted to do this for nap times recently but struggling because as I lay her down in the cot (sleepy), she will immediately sit herself and start crawling around. I leave her, go in and settle her when she’s crying but the other day it was an hour of trying before I gave up ...


Any moms who work overnights??

How do you guys deal with routine and getting rest during the day especially if you have a child that’s not in school/ daycare ?


Night sleep

My LG sleeps between 7-8 and wakes up 6-7 mostly 6 these days. I want to push 6AM to 7- is this an option? Also is 10 hours ok or should she sleep more? She is turning 6M in 2 weeks Thanks


Kept waking up

So my LO is 8 months and we just spent 2 weeks at my parents house. Whilst we there, I co slept as they didn’t have a cot for us. Now that we’re back home, LO slept so awful during the night. Wouldn’t settle, wouldn’t go back to sleep, would keep waking up when we would put him back down. Could this be because he’s ...


Day naps

8 week old mums - how many times during the day does your baby nap? For how long?


Wake up/bed time

To all the BF mamas out there, at what time do you aim to put your baby to sleep, and at what time is your wake-up time? I'm still trying to figure out the best schedule for now and the future, and I'm not sure what might work best! Any tips?


7 month sleep regression ?

My baby used to be asleep no later than 9:30pm every night. Lately he’s been staying up and wanting to play until 11pm and this morning he woke up at 5:30am 😩😵‍💫 his sleep schedule is all over the place. Anyone else’s baby going through this too?


Any tips for early waking?

It’s suddenly 5:40am on the dot and I’m exhausted 😩 I know it doesn’t seem too early but he was waking up around 6:45 before. He sleeps around 7:30/7:45, naps around 1 hour 20 mins sometimes up to 2 hours. Sleeps through the night but I just dont really get what’s happened to that hour of sleep 😭


Frequent Wakings

Anyone else’s almost 10 month old starting to backtrack with sleeping? I could normally get her to sleep around 9 or 9:30 , up at 3 or 4 for a feeding , back to sleep until 7 or 8. She has completely reversed now and she’s starting to wake up super early and many times throughout the night. HELP 😣


SLEEP 3.5 month old

Do you feed your baby every time they wake over night? My baby wakes 3-4 times a night and we have just gone from feeding him 2 times a night down to 1 times a night as we found his gut seems less irritable (less farting and squirming). Now I’ve read myself into confusion and wondering if we made the right call....



what’s the longest you let your newborn sleep?


Waking up early & crying

Our son (14 month) has just recently in the last couple of weeks started waking up at 5/5:30 and he just cries and cries. He used to wake up between 6-7am and quite happily sit in his crib no crying as if he has had enough sleep but it’s now early and just cries. We tried different bed times but still cries early, w...


Trouble sleeping in crib

2 weeks ago we took a trip to a different state and baby M had to sleep with me in the big bed because we didnt take a portable crib. Ever since we came back home he has trouble taking naps in his crib and at night he started waking up random times wanting to sleep in my bed . He use to have no trouble sleeping in h...


Impending doom feeling. Help!

Hi guys I'm a SAHM to an almost 8 week old and things have been pretty difficult at home with him especially trying to get him to sleep in his bassinet. I'm very sleep deprived and I have this impending doom feeling (like something bad is going to happen all the time) and I'm so overprotective of my son but I don't ...



Hello everyone, what are your thoughts on taking melatonin to help get restful sleep at night during pregnancy. I have been taking Tylenol pm for the past few nights, but wanted to take something more natural. My doctor said it’s okay, but wouldn’t give me a dosage to start off with. So I’m thinking 3 mg. Please let...


Help! Nap time meltdowns 😭

My 15-week old has been having HUGE meltdowns when it comes to napping during the day and he’s been doing it for weeks, maybe a month or so. But when it comes to nighttime sleep he doesn’t have the same meltdowns. My husband and I think he fights FOMO, not allowing himself to sleep when he’s tired. But it’s exhaus...


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