Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

How to keep breast milk frozen for a flight?

I’m going on holiday soon and my baby will be 4 months so still mainly breastfeeding and occasionally pumping. I have a freezer stash and would like to take a few feeds with me so my parents can take my son overnight one night and me and my partner can have our first night off. Is there anything I can buy to take so...


Did anyone have difficulty in getting your breastfed baby to put on weight as per the growth chart?

I am feeding my 12 week baby expressed breastmilk as she won't latch and has a preference to teats instead of my nipples. During the first month, when I was battling to have her latch on my breast, she dropped a centile in the growth chart and when I fell ill earlier this month and was on antibiotics, she dropped an...


Baby gets frustrated at the breasts

Hello, My Lo seems to feed at my breasts just fine over night but the day feeds are always a big question mark. She would latch maybe 5/10 mins on one breast if full and then would finish with a bottle. I pump as well. My milk supply is quite high and I also try to nurse in her room minimising any distractions bu...


Maternity bras

Can anyone recommend comfortable maternity bras for bigger boobs?


Stopping breastfeeding

Any tips? My little one feeds to sleep and is on me all night also feeds during the day. Really wanting to stop breastfeeding completely, get her in her own room and have some me time not going to bed at 6:30pm every night.


Nursing bra recommendations?

I’ve been EBF my almost 6 month old since day one and have a pack of five nursing bras from Shein. I bought these when I was pregnant just to get me started, however, never got round to getting better ones. Whilst I like the comfort of these, they do absolutely nothing for me and I want to start feeling like I’m mak...


Paediatricians want me to stop breastfeeding

I spoke with two different paediatricians and both told me it’s time to stop breastfeeding. My baby is 9m old.. why?? I thought it was very beneficial, but they said my baby had enough quantity of my milk and that now she has to get used to drink other milk


Breast feeding

When did your milk supply come in after your plan c section


Breastfeeding mummas

Hi ladies my baby girl is now 7 weeks old has anyone pumped of both boobs at this stage or should I wait a little longer x


Period postpartum

To all the breastfeeding moms, when did your period come back?? I’m 5 months postpartum and it still hasn’t started. I’m worried!



I’m 4 days postpartum and my boobs are so lumpy and sore. I’ve tried pumping, massaging, hot water bottle and nothing is coming out. Any advice?😩


Bottle preference?

At my baby’s first check-up the doctor recommended supplementing with formula because my milk wasn’t in yet and she was losing weight. She developed a bottle preference after that, and even though I’ve seen a lactation consultant, she often refuses the breast. The only time she latches on is when they are engorged, ...


Dairy Allergy?

Hey everyone just looking for some advice here cause I’m feeling a little lost. !!!Heads up it’s a long one and there’s also the mention of blood!!! My little guy will be 12 weeks old on Monday. We started out with breastfeeding but unfortunately around the time we hit 1.5 months, my supply had drastically dropped...


Sudden drop with Milk supply

Hi mamas, I am a 1st time mum, and I have a 3 month old baby. I have always struggled with milk supply, hence I been BF, pumping and toping with formula, and since Christmas, i was able to build up my supply and reduce the amount of formla. Suddenly, about 10 days ago, I was not able to pump and breastfeed my son fo...


Anyone else find breastfeeding too demanding?

Newborn with a toddler at home


Weaning sadness

Well. Tonight the baby girl took her first 100% cows milk bottle and wasn't nursed to sleep. I'm so stupidly emotional 🤣 just in here sobbing. Secondary question. La Leche's web page is closed for the night, so I thought I would try here. I'm giving her organic cows milk and am curious about the reheating rules.…


HELP. Breastfeeding deflated! Am I not producing milk?

I've been breastfeeding my baby practically all day. Earlier, I breastfeed him for a full hour. He was still screaming after. I then decided to give him formula, and he drank a full 3oz very quickly. I don't understand. Am I not producing enough or has he been sucnkng all that time with no milk? Surely u can't breas...


How long are we breastfeeding our babies?

I'm a ftm to a 7mo boy who loves to breastfeed. Originally, I had planned on breastfeeding/pumping until he's a year, but as we get closer to that time, I don't know if I'll want to stop 😂 I'm curious about what other moms have done/are doing.


Do any other EBF mums down a big glass of water before bed that they don't even really want just to keep that milk going strong? 😂

Just one of those things Im like surely it can't just be me


Feeding for bedtime

My 6 week (nearly 7 week) old little girl has a 5oz bottle of milk before going down for the night but not even an hour later she’s screaming and wanting more… we are winding throughout her feeds but she doesn’t give many burps up 🙈 Should I be worried and concerned as I don’t want to be over feeding her.


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