Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Anxiety taking over here 😭

So iv noticed a mark on the back of my babies head he's had it a few weeks it's very light unless he's been in the bath I just thought because he hair gone thinner iv noticed a birthmark! Mentioned it too my partner who said just ask the midwife tomorrow when you get him weighed! Ovb I'm going too but my anxiety is ...



Is anyone else feeling really anxious about birth? II’m 33 weeks and as it’s getting closer I’m just getting more and more nervous, I’m torn between an elective c-section and a water birth. I have emetaphobia (fear of sickness) and the unknown in birth is really scary to me and making me feel so lonely. What was eve...


Weird scared sensation

I’m just wondering if this has happened to anybody else? I’m 36 weeks atm, and just in the last couple of hours I’ve had this feeling in my belly, like a knot and butterflies, almost like I’m terrified but for no reason. I’ve been fine all day and then it just hit me like a ton of bricks… is it just me?



Alllllllrighty yall- 17 weeks and OH MY WORD. I feel like, if I’m not drinking water, or taking care of my 1 year old, I’m eating something. Like, yalllll. I Am RAVENOUS. These days. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fantastic switch from when I kinda literally survived off of lemon water (couldn’t handle the taste of ju...


Gestational Diabetes

Wondering if anyone with previous GD experience could share any advice on if they had symptoms prior to having the test? I am 19 weeks and don’t have my test until 26 weeks but I have a high BMI and also PCOS which makes me insulin resistant anyway so I am just cautious that these two factors could make me likely f...


Studying and pregnant at 35 weeks

Is anyone else finishing their education and pregnant ? I am in the middle of exams and today the room was so hot that I felt to lightheaded and dizzy that I couldn't finish my exam properly. I just wanted to finish my course so I could progress at work but it has been so hard! Just trying to find some reassurance ...


11 + 3

A bit early but any guesses? Thank you!


Skull/nub theory please

Please help First pic at 12 weeks 2nd at 24 Gender prediction please as we don't know, already have a wee girl


Failed 1 hour glucose test. Anyone take the three hour and fail that too?

If one of these numbers are not in range do you fail? Fasting blood sugar levels should be lower than 95 mg/dL. After one hour, blood sugar levels should be lower than 180 mg/dL. After two hours, blood sugar levels should be lower than 155 mg/dL. After three hours, blood sugar levels should be lower than 140 mg/dL.


Hi quick question to all.

What was everyone’s results after the GTT Test? I went to see my midwife today who said my results were normal and she didn’t think I have gestational diabetes but I recieved a call from the hospital midwife advising I have gestational diabetes and I have to start glucose testing? I am from the UK so just wanted to...


Sick of anxiety.

TW- pregnancy loss I’m 10 weeks and a few days pregnant with our rainbow baby and I need to know when this anxiety and fear of losing another baby is going to go away. I had a mc last year and ever since I found out I was pregnant my anxiety has been through the roof. I’m constantly googling stuff and calling my d...


My health anxiety is really getting worse

All I ever seen to think about is the worst and I know I shouldn’t because that makes things worse but I can’t help it. How do people stop themselves from worrying all the time if the baby is healthy in there. I’ve got a private scan for 16 weeks booked but 2 weeks feels so long let alone 6 weeks till the 20 week nh...


Should I contact maternity or wait for midwife appointment?

For the past few weeks I've been feeling really short of breath, light headed, nauseous etc. Literally can't move or even sit still without feeling like I might faint. I know it's normal in pregnancy, but at what point should I speak to someone about it? My blood pressure when sitting is normal (120/80 ish) but the ...



Awaiting the call. I know it may be pushed back. Don’t know what to do with myself? Any advice ladies?


Group B Strep testing.

So i’m almost 36 weeks and had an appointment with my consultant on Tuesday (23rd), I was meant to mention it at this appointment but ended up in the EOU so had other things on my mind. But has anyone else been tested for group b strep and if so, when? my next appointment is not till I am 38 weeks but I read online ...


When to tell Work?

When does everyone plan to tell work that they’re pregnant? I got advice to wait until I’m 20 weeks, since that is when miscarriage likelihood is super low. But I’m thinking I’ll probably already be showing a belly weeks before then? Would love to hear everyone’s experience / opinion!


3rd trimester

Does anyone else feel like they’re back in there first trimester? I’m 29+2 and since coming into my third trimester I feel like I’m back in my first, I’m exhausted and the sickness has come back in full force, I’m starting my maternity leave early as my job is mentally and physically exhausting but I don’t know what...



Hi girls! I have 11w3d. I had my third appointment with the doctor today and he made me a blood test, the NIPT. I thought that this test is not part of the routine and if you want it you have to pay for a private place to do it. I’m 34 yo, maybe that’s why the doctor want me to do it?


Postpartum Hypertension

I am currently a week and a half postpartum and my blood pressure has been elevated. I am currently being monitored. (While pregnant I did not have high blood pressure it was always normal) They want me to take my blood pressure at home and then they’ll go from there. Have any other moms experienced this? If so, how...


Working out for first time 20 weeks pregnant

So I’m not super fit (but have a low bmi and have a toddler). I had started lightly working out in December of last year but then got Covid really badly in January and got pregnant in March. My first trimester was awful and I had no energy so I never resumed working out. Now that I’ve gotten my energy back in the 2n...


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